יום שלישי, 28 באוקטובר 2008

ועוד מתכון חורף

הייתי רוצה להגיד שזאת חביתת הפתיחה לתוכנית המתכונים שלי. למרבה הצער, הרכבת הזאת כבר עברה - לפני דקה וחצי בערך.

Oh s**t! I just spilled a cup full of black, grainy, muddy, coffee on my flatmate's beautiful tablecloth he got from India! s**t s**t s**t!
what can I do about it now(other than wash and hang it)? Now, I'd better make one of them special omelettes to take away the sorrow. He doesn't know about it yet, and by the time he gets back from work, it might be done drying, right? So he might not even know about it! So what's the point getting upset now, right? right? oh shut up. hypocrites. It _was_ a mistake, allright?

Omelette of Blissful Forgetfulness


2 Eggs, duh
Few sprigs of parsley
1 potato
1 leek, just the white and light green part
2-3 spoons cooking oil
3 Spoons tahini
Salt and pepper
1 Pita, large


1. Wash(*) and chop the leek to small shreds.
2. Heat up some cooking oil and fry it on a small, low flame(**)
3. Slice the potato to an inch-size pieces, super thin(***).
4. Add the potato to the frying pan, mixing occasionally. Add more oil if needed. Keep the low flame. Do not let it burn, even if that takes 10 minutes of your life.
5. After a while, the potato will start getting this nice golden color. Almost there; Add chopped parsley and mix for 2-3 minutes more. By this time the leek should be dark brown. niiiiiice.
6. Mix eggs with salt and pepper, add them to the pan and mix occasionally until right. Transfer to a plate.
7. Pour Tahini over the omelette, spreading evenly. Populate pita.


Leeks are as dirty as old men. Not all of them, of course, but then again not all old men are, too. POINT BEING, give them a good rinse. I cut them lengthways under the tap, then give them a good rub(analogy to old men stops here)

I use Ghee instead of oil, but don't mind me. Ever since that Ayurvedic doctor prescribed me that diet, my menu has become lamer than a Huskey's. I think I'm developing an eating disorder.

No, I mean it. Really really thin. I am not sure what's the equivalent to a (metric) millimeter, say, 1/32 of an inch? This is terribly useful, ain't it? Anyway, thinner than that. Pretend you're a European gay preparing breakfast in bed for your love one. THAT thin.
Allow me to stress:
This is a make-or-break issue. If you are too f*****g lazy to cut a single potato properly, go and get yourself a dunkin' doughnut instead, allright? No, I am not angry. Just explaining. Calmly.

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